Sustainable quality

Working on promoting a culture of sustainability
At Cafés Baqué, with the aim of improving our overall performance and establishing sustainable development actions, we have taken the strategic decision to implement an Integrated Management System that pursues the following objectives:
- Promoting quality and food safety at Cafés Baqué through the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the food safety system, meeting society’s expectations in terms of product and service quality, transparency and responsibility.
- Achieving continuous environmental improvement, going beyond environmental legislation, is one of our challenges for which, on an annual basis, we will define and review environmental objectives, goals and programmes to reduce the main aspects. To do so, we will conduct our activity from a perspective of environmental protection, promoting a culture of sustainability among our staff and trying to encourage our suppliers to use resources properly and prevent any type of contamination or impairment of ecosystems.
- With the aim of continuing to guarantee our customers’ satisfaction in the future, and of taking responsibility in terms of our surroundings, we are looking to create a fair and sustained economic development, thus generating development opportunities in the community.
In pursuing these objectives and, in particular, since gaining the certification in ISO 9001 systems in 2001 and the certification in the ISO 14001 system in 2011, significant improvement has been achieved in a number of areas:

- Reduction in packaging materials per ton of production.
- Reduction in energy consumption at our facilities.
- Recovery of more than 80% of our waste.
Pursuant to the needs of an increasingly competitive market and an ever more vulnerable environment, CAFÉS BAQUÉ, S.L.U. has put in place a Quality and Environmental Management System that complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 International Standards. The aim of the implementation, maintenance and enhancement of our food safety system is to ensure the utmost hygiene and cleanliness of the operations undertaken by CAFÉS BAQUÉ S.L.U.
The Company’s General Management expressly states its fundamental pledge to nurture Quality, the protection of the Environment and food safety at CAFÉS BAQUÉ S.L.U. (through the implementation, observance and monitoring of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points – HACCP, and ISO 9001 and 14001), with a view to complying with the following policy:
The overriding aim is the Satisfaction of stakeholders and the provision of a quality product that is safe for both consumers and the environment.
Management undertakes to protect the environment, including the prevention of pollution and the sustainable use of resources throughout our products’ life cycles.
Management will foster the necessary improvements for meeting these goals and will promote both the application of this approach to processes and a risk-based perspective.
Quality, food safety and environmental protection can only be understood in terms of full and ongoing compliance with requirements, including those of a legal and regulatory nature, and other specific commitments according to each context.
Quality, food safety, and environmental management are susceptible to continuous improvement. Faults should be used to learn, removing their sources or the circumstances causing them.
The entire workforce should embrace the commitment to improve Quality, food safety and environmental performance within the scope of their duties.

General Management pledges to ensure its Policy on Quality and the Environment is disclosed to and accepted by the entire workforce, guaranteeing the efficiency and suitability of the Company’s Integrated Management System by holding internal audits.